Custom Fleet's Privacy & Credit Reporting Policy

Statement of Notifiable Matters

Important information relating to credit reporting

Effective on and from 22nd July 2016

This Statement of Notifiable Matters applies to Custom Fleet Entities (being Custom Fleet Pty Ltd ABN 69 005 093 701, Element Fleet Services Australia Pty Ltd ABN 14 119 426 612 Element Financial (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 14 119 426 612 and EFN (Australia) Pty Ltd ABN 90 607 344 650).

This statement sets out important information about credit reporting that is relevant to you if:

  • you are an individual applying for a lease or other forms of credit, or who holds a lease or other credit product, from any of the Custom Fleet Entities (collectively referred to in this statement as "we"/"us"); or
  • we deal with you in connection with lease facility or management services applied for by, or provided to, another customer - for example, if you are a guarantor or proposed guarantor or if you are a director of a company obtaining such a facility or services.

Disclosure to credit reporting bodies

We may disclose personal information about you in connection with your credit-related dealings with us to credit reporting bodies. If you commit a serious credit infringement by failing to meet your payment obligations in relation to consumer credit, we may be entitled to disclose this to credit reporting bodies. Those credit reporting bodies may include that information in reports that they provide to other credit providers to assist them to assess your credit worthiness.

The credit reporting bodies that we may exchange credit information with are:

  • Equifax Australia Information Services and Solutions Pty Limited
  • illion Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Dun & Bradstreet)

Credit reporting bodies are each required to have a policy which explains how they will manage your credit-related personal information. To view the policy of any credit reporting body please visit their website and follow the "Privacy" links:

or you can contact them directly for further information. You have the right to request that a credit reporting body:

  • exclude your credit reporting information from being used by them in connection with pre-screening for direct and indirect marketing requested by a credit provider; and
  • not to use or disclose your credit reporting information if you believe that you have been, or are likely to be, the victim of fraud (for example, if you suspect that someone is using your identity details to apply for credit).

You should contact each relevant credit reporting body directly if you wish to request any of the above.

Accessing or correcting your personal information or making a privacy complaint

You have rights to request access to, or correction of, personal information that we hold about you, including credit-related information. You also have rights to make a complaint if you consider that we have not complied with the Privacy Act in relation to your personal information. Our Credit Reporting Policy sets out how you can make such requests or complaints and how we will deal with them.

For details about how we manage credit-related personal information (including credit reporting information) that we hold about you, please see our Credit Reporting Policy.

You can obtain an alternative form, such as a hard copy, of this Statement of Notifiable Matters on request by calling us at 1300 364 651 or emailing us at

Links to our policies: